Providing Additional ContextΒΆ

Sometimes you want to evaluate a condition on more information than just a user object. For these cases, you can provide any arbitrary keyword arguments to eval_conditions:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from conditions import eval_conditions
from models import Campaign

def room(request, room_num):
    for campaign in Campaign.objects.all():
        if eval_conditions(campaign, 'target', request.user, room=room_num):
            return HttpReponse(campaign.text)

    return HttpResponse("Nothing in this room.")

Any keyword arguments are then passed through to every condition that needs to be evaluated:

class InRoom(Condition):
    condstr = 'IN_ROOM'

    def eval_bool(self, user, **kwargs):
        room_num = kwargs['room']
        return room_num == int(self.key)